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Without sensors, the Internet of Things will move towards'hollowing out'

May. 08, 2020

"Internet of Things, sensor first" is the consensus of the Internet of Things industry today. The Internet of Things is mainly composed of four parts: perception layer, network layer, support layer and application layer. Sensing is the advanced technology of the Internet of Things. The stable operation of the Internet of Things is inseparable from the blessing of many sensing technologies. One of the key technologies is the sensor.

As the "tentacle" of the Internet of Things, sensors play a vital role in today's information age, and have penetrated into many industries and fields such as industrial production, environmental protection, and bioengineering.

Sensor deployment as an IoT infrastructure, many years ago, the country proposed the trillion sensor revolution, which aims to promote the use of 1 trillion sensors in social infrastructure and public services every year, and is expected to embed 100 trillion sensors into 2030 Various places.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is a market for the Internet of Things in the future, sensors can do as much.

In June 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a 5G commercial license, and the arrival of 5G pushed the Internet of Things to a "wind outlet". "2017-2018 Annual Report on the Development of China's Internet of Things" shows that in 2017, China's Internet of Things market has entered a substantial development stage, and the annual market size exceeded 1 trillion yuan. It is expected that by 2021, China's Internet of Things platform expenditure will rank The world's first.

With the increasing demand for the Internet of Things, my country's sensor industry has shown a trend of rapid growth. According to statistics, it is expected that my country's sensor market will increase to 593.7 billion yuan by 2021, and the compound annual growth rate of China's sensor industry will be about 30% in the next five years, much higher than the global average.

In the era of Internet of Everything, my country has built an NB-IoT network and formed an active Internet of Things application market. But at the same time, my country needs to make breakthroughs in the Internet of Things sensors.

Without sensors, cloud computing and big data will be "difficult to cook without meters", the Internet of Things will move towards "hollowing out", and the real economy such as smart manufacturing will also become an "air castle". All of these require sensors with better performance as support, which poses challenges to the development of my country's sensor industry.

"At present, China lacks high-end and sensitive sensors. As far as the overall level is concerned, domestically produced sensor products are still mainly in the low-end and the technical level is relatively backward. The import of mid- and high-end sensors in the Chinese market accounts for 80%. Digital, intelligent, and miniaturized products are seriously lacking." Peng Hongbing, deputy director of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, once said.

Therefore, it is urgent to promote the localization of high-end sensors. First of all, domestic sensor companies should start from their own, increase investment in core high-tech innovations, continue to take advantage of the inherent advantages in the domestic market applications, channels, services, prices, industrial ecosystems, etc., and promote market-oriented applications. This is a domestic high-end sensor. The key point of development.

Secondly, the country should actively create a fair and transparent operating environment, and promote the application side to follow the market value laws when purchasing sensors. For example, it should be prohibited from indicating in the tender that imported products must be used. Third, open up the industrialization channel of scientific research achievements, actively, objectively, meticulously, and continuously accumulate domestic and foreign high-end core sensor industry technology, promote standardization and industry collaboration, and help the development of the mid- and high-end sensor industry.

It is believed that under the common capabilities of the country and enterprises, my country's sensor industry will usher in a new development situation, and the future development is optimistic. New think world industry research analysts believe that sensors play a fundamental and core role in the Internet of Things industry, and the future market has great potential. China will still introduce more encouraging policies to promote the industry Development, industry development prospects are better.

Sensors: With the continuous development of technology and the Internet of Things, sensors have penetrated into all aspects of our lives and production, and play an important role in social and economic development. Today is an era of Internet of Everything, and sensors will usher in good development opportunities. But at this moment, we still need to continuously improve the ability of innovation and creativity, and overall improve the level of sensor research and development in my country.