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Medical robot application scenarios continue to expand, and the future demand for robots will increase

May. 29, 2020

At present, the domestic epidemic situation is under control, and the resumption of work in various schools is also proceeding in an orderly manner. The prevention and control measures such as "entering the school to measure body temperature" and "wearing a mask to take classes" are indispensable. However, the staff rely on the hand-held thermometer for individual testing, which is time-consuming and laborious, and the accuracy is difficult to guarantee. Technology is accelerating changes in people's production and lifestyle. In this case, some highly flexible, accurate, non-contact temperature measurement service robots come in handy, and can quickly capture the face temperature through remote control.

1. Recently, service robots "show their talents"

Recently, no matter in life or production, "no contact" can be said to be a high-frequency word. This leads to various service robots "behind the scenes". More than schools, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls and other places have "robot" appearances.

In the hospital, in addition to intelligent temperature measurement robots, intelligent mobile disinfection robots that efficiently disinfect without leaving dead corners, precision-operated surgical robots, and intelligent drug delivery robots that can automatically deliver food and medicine to patients have become doctors. The "helpful" assistant under the nurse's busyness is not only efficient, but also avoids the problems caused by contact.

Medical robot application scenarios continue to expand, and the future demand for robots will increase

2. Robot work is expected to become the new normal in production

In the short term, the market demand for robots has been increased, and the demand for automation has increased. But as the "halo fades away", what will the robot do? It is understood that some of the robots that have returned from "before the stage" to "behind the scenes" have upgraded their systems for special scenarios and started new work tasks; some of them will return to the original factory to determine the next plan based on specific needs. .

The industry believes that robots can take over human work in multiple scenarios, and the market prospect of robots is widely optimistic. In the future, no matter whether it is a hospital, campus or shopping mall, more robots may be introduced to provide services. "Robot work is expected to become the new normal in production, and it may be more widely used in new manual work in the future."

However, it also needs to be seen that the current service robot is still a relatively new concept in the field of robots, which has the problems of lack of core technology, small brand influence, and low market share, and there are no clear boundaries for standard specifications. Therefore, in order to transform market expectations into real benefits, it also needs to be improved from many aspects such as independent innovation, brand building, and standard improvement.

3. The future of the medical robot market has attracted much attention

At present, the application scenarios of medical robots are expanding, and there are potential market opportunities in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, escort, and guided consultation. Therefore, the market prospects are also more concerned by everyone.

According to statistics from relevant agencies, my country's medical robot market has reached 500 million US dollars in 2018. With the intensification of aging, as well as the transformation and upgrading needs of the medical industry and the innovation driven by medical technology, my country's medical robots may usher in a larger market space. It is estimated that by 2025, the scale of my country's medical robot market is expected to reach a new high, breaking the 1.5 billion US dollar mark.

In addition, in the hospital, the demand for surveillance, patrol, disinfection, and distribution services will continue for a long time, although the demand for robots is not easy to say for the time being. However, the industry believes that medical service robots can make adjustments based on actual conditions to seize opportunities.

4. 5G or accelerate the promotion of medical robots

In the process of promoting the development of the robot industry, the development of 5G may greatly enhance the remote control of robots. Since this year, policies on "new infrastructure" have been introduced in various places. As the "vanguard" of the new infrastructure, 5G construction is showing full acceleration.

It is reported that Yunnan and other places have also successively released plans for 5G construction in 2020, "fighting against time" to speed up the progress of 5G construction. With the rapid development of the 5G industry, it will further promote the new upgrade of robot R&D and production. In this context, medical robots and other robots that have high requirements for time-delay, with the long-term accumulation of technology and experience, may usher in better development.

5. The emergence of medical robots cannot be separated from the promotion of real needs

From the perspective of the global market, because of the increasing incidence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, neurovascular, and tumors, people's health and medical needs have increased dramatically. The industry predicts that by 2021, the global medical robot market is expected to reach 20.7 billion US dollars, and medical robots will be a trillion market.

Relevant data shows that medical robots have become the main growth point of the development of service robots in my country. In 2019, medical robots accounted for 40% of the domestic service robot market, far surpassing home and public service robots, with an actual scale of more than 500 million US dollars. Some experts have predicted that in 2020, medical robots are expected to become my country's second largest robot market after industrial robots.

6. The growth of medical robots is inseparable from policy support

In fact, the rapid growth of the domestic medical robot market is inseparable from policy support. It is understood that since 2015, China has successively issued a series of important policy documents to promote the transformation and upgrading of Chinese manufacturing, and the medical field, as an important field of people's livelihood, has been the focus of major policy documents on the support of medical robot R&D and production. the key of. For example, in the planning guidance documents such as "Made in China 2025" and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the country clearly proposed that it should focus on the development of high-performance medical equipment such as medical robots, and actively encourage the innovation of domestic medical devices. National ministries and governments and local governments have respectively provided policy guidance on the establishment of medical robot testing and application platforms, the deployment of industry 4.0 key projects, and the establishment of robot industry demonstration bases and standards. The policy direction is clear.

In August 2019, the State Drug Administration issued the "Notice on Expanding the Pilot Work of the Medical Device Registrant System" to further expand the pilot of the medical device registrant system, from last year's three regions of Shanghai, Guangdong and Tianjin to 21 provinces , Cities, and autonomous regions, and made clear regulations on all aspects of the pilot objectives.

With the continuous introduction of favorable policies, my country's medical robot industry is entering a stage of rapid development. The market size in 2018 was US$510 million, a year-on-year increase of 24.4%. In addition, it is beginning to play an increasingly important role in the global medical robot industry. For example, in the field of surgical robots, the United States Da Vinci robots guide the development, but Chinese companies are rapidly following up. In the field of rehabilitation robots, China already has many leading companies. In the field of auxiliary robots, Chinese companies have obvious advantages in number, and they are more involved in the field.

In general, recently, service robots such as medical robots have quickly entered people's field of vision, and have played an important role in the "less human" and "unmanned" scenes, and have gradually been recognized, familiar and accepted by people . With the catalysis of the market, my country's service robots will also have more clear landing scenarios. In the future, more robots will enter the daily work and life of people and play a more important role.

As a high-precision field in service robots, medical robots have high technical barriers and qualification barriers. Due to factors such as late entry time, lack of technical accumulation and weak technology in related industries, medical robots in China still have a large gap with foreign companies. . In the future, how to achieve multi-faceted safe human-computer interaction, innovative research and development of key components such as servo motors and controllers in the upstream link of the industrial chain, and the problem of solving import dependence are still problems that domestic medical robot manufacturers need to solve as soon as possible during development .